Année 2007

Le Corvoisier P, Hittinger L, Chanson P, Montagne O, Macquin-Mavier I, Maison P.
Cardiac effects of growth hormone treatment in chronic heart failure: A meta-analysis.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;92(1):180-5.

Meduri G, Massin N, Guibourdenche J, Bachelot A, Fiori O, Kuttenn F, Misrahi M, Touraine P.
Serum anti-Mullerian hormone expression in women with premature ovarian failure.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Jan;22(1):117-23.

Dode C, Fouveaut C, Mortier G, Janssens S, Bertherat J, Mahoudeau J, Kottler ML, Chabrolle C, Gancel A, Francois I, Devriendt K, Wolczynski S, Pugeat M, Pineiro-Garcia A, Murat A, Bouchard P, Young J, Delpech M, Hardelin JP.
Novel FGFR1 sequence variants in Kallmann syndrome, and genetic evidence that the FGFR1c isoform is required in olfactory bulb and palate morphogenesis.
Hum Mutat. 2007 Jan;28(1):97-8.

Pidoux G, Gerbaud P, Tsatsaris V, Marpeau O, Ferreira F, Meduri G, Guibourdenche J, Badet J, Evain-Brion D, Frendo JL.
Biochemical characterization and modulation of LH/CG-receptor during human trophoblast differentiation.
J Cell Physiol. 2007 Apr 25;212(1):26-35.

Maison P, Tropeano AI, Macquin-Mavier I, Giustina A, Chanson P.
Impact of somatostatin analogs on the heart in acromegaly: a metaanalysis.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 May;92(5):1743-7.

Kamenicky P, Houdoin L, Ferlicot S, Salenave S, Brailly S, Droupy S, Meduri G, Sasano H, Suzuki T, Young J, Chanson P.
Benign cortisol-secreting adrenocortical adenomas produce small amounts of androgens.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007 Jun;66(6):778-88.

Mercier N, El Hadri K, Osborne-Pellegrin M, Nehme J, Perret C, Labat C, Regnault V, Lamaziere JM, Challande P, Lacolley P, Feve B.
Modification of arterial phenotype in response to amine oxidase inhibition by semicarbazide
Hypertension. 2007 Jul;50(1):234-41.

Boukari K, Ciampi ML, Guiochon-Mantel A, Young J, Lombes M, Meduri G.
Human foetal testis: source of estrogen and target of estrogen action
Hum Reprod, 2007, Jul;22(7):1885-92.  

Caprio M, Feve B, Claes A, Viengchareun S, Lombes M, Zennaro MC.
Pivotal role of the mineralocorticoid receptor in corticosteroid-induced adipogenesis.
FASEB J. 2007 Jul;21(9):2185-94.

Ce travail a été sélectionné et évalué par un membre du « Faculty of 1000″, qui a classé cet article dans le Top 2% des articles publiés en biologie et en médecine.

Viengchareun S, Caron M, Auclair M, Kim MJ, Frachon P, Capeau J, Lombes M, Lombes A.
Mitochondrial toxicity of indinavir, stavudine and zidovudine involves multiple cellular targets in white and brown adipocytes.
Antivir Ther. 2007;12(6):919-29.

Amazit L, Pasini L, Szafran AT, Berno V, Wu RC, Mielke M, Jones ED, Mancini MG, Hinojos CA, O’Malley BW, Mancini MA.
Regulation of SRC-3 intercompartmental dynamics by estrogen receptor and phosphorylation.
Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Oct;27(19):6913-32.

Viengchareun S, Le Menuet D, Martinerie L, Munier M, Pascual-Le Tallec L, Lombès M.
The Mineralocorticoid Receptor: Insights in its Molecular and (Patho)Physiological Biology.
Nucl Recept Signal. 2007 Nov 30;5:e012.